Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Reinstating my Blog

Hello to you all. I'm very happy to be back online after a forced time away. We are still ourselves: Emeraldfire is Mareena McGirr and Rosefire is her mother Mary McGirr. The problem was multifold. My computer crashed, taking my whole online profile down along with it. Blog was gone, contacts were gone and I now have to basically recreate Emeraldfire's Bookmark all the way from scratch. Thanks so much for your patience and kindness as I try to do this Herculean task basically on my own. :)

I will be slowly reposting all my reviews and my mom's reviews on this site and hope that you will continue to enjoy reading my thoughts and feelings on the books that I read all the time. In case you were wondering what my new blog address means; I am happily owned by three adorable eight-year-old rescue cats: Ruby, Leila and Lollipop. Affectionately known as "Ruby and the Twins"! :) Thanks so much!

May you read well and often


Patricia said...

I do not think I knew you before, but welcome back and good luck with your new blog!

I am at:

You are welcome to visit at anytime!


emeraldfire said...

Thanks Patricia! I don't think that I knew you either but would love to visit your blog! :)

Grace InAZ said...

Sorry to hear about your computer crash. I know how devastating that can be! I am following here and twitter! Good luck!
I hope you'll follow me back. I also blog at - come visit if you can!
Hugs, GraceinAZ

emeraldfire said...

Thanks so much, Grace! I have not met you either but love to read blogs about reading. Does that make sense? :) I am following you as well!

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