Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dan O'Brien - Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency

18. Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency by Dan O'Brien (2014)
Length: 41 pages
Genre: Short Story
Started/Finished: 18 March 2014
Where did it come from? Many thanks to Dan O'Brien for sending me a copy of this book to read.
How long has it been on my TBR pile? Since 11 March 2014
Why do I have it? I like short stories and Dan O'Brien is a new author for me.

Robert Pendleton is just your typically logical person - not given to improbable flights of fancy; nor is he the type to believe in mythical beings from magical realms. Which is why Robert is so surprised to meet Colin McMasters, Director of the 'Loose Change Collection Agency'. Colin is a leprechaun, and he has come to Robert to ask for his assistance. A gremlin known as 'The Scourge' has been terrorizing all leprechauns - determined to conquer them and steal their gold.

The question is, will Robert believe enough in Colin's plight to help him to defeat 'The Scourge', or will he think it is all a dream?

I must say that I found this book to be fast-paced, and also well-developed for the length of story. This is a story written and illustrated for children - so it's not too frightening or graphic, and children could read it themselves, if they chose. However, I'm certain many adults will appreciate that they too can read Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency by Dan O'Brien, and find it just as enjoyable. I give this book an A! and look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

A! - (90-95%)

May you read well and often


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