Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Just Became a Donor - So Can You - You Can Spread the Word About The Donor: The Full Novella by Nikki Rae!

I'm delighted to announce that that the full-length novella of Nikki Rae's The Donor will be released on Thursday, October 30, 2014! To celebrate that release, Ms. Rae tells me that she has created a project on Thunderclap and has named it "Become a Donor". All that is required is that the supporters of her project read The Donor: The Full Novella and then embed the following message on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr: “Read The Donor Today!"

Ms. Rae hopes to get 100 supporters on board and joining her cause by the time that The Donor: The Full Novella is released on Thursday, October 30, 2014! I know that she will appreciate your support very much. So now, go forth and spread the word! :)

May you read well and often


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