Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Cerece Rennie Murphy - Order of the Seers

52. Order of the Seers by Cerece Rennie Murphy (2012)
The Order of the Seers Trilogy Book 1
Length: 259 pages
Genre: Science Fiction
Started: 11 October 2014
Finished: 21 October 2014
Where did it come from? Many thanks to Kathleen at Pump up Your Book for sending me a copy of this book to read.
How long has it been on my TBR pile? Since 10 September 2014
Why do I have it? I like science fiction and Cerece Rennie Murphy is a new author for me.

For the past sixteen years, the Knight family have effectively been hiding in plain sight. Jill Knight, a widow with a sixteen-year-old son and a thirteen-year-old daughter, has kept the truth about their father's accidental death from them for as long as she could; now, with time running out, they have been discovered and Jill must prepare her children for what they will soon face.

Liam Knight and his sister Lilith are being hunted by The Guild - a ruthless worldwide organization that seeks to capture Lilith and exploit her unique abilities as a Seer to envision the future. Soon after they are forced to leave their home and go on the run, Lilith and Liam discover that she is not alone. There are other Seers like Lilith who are routinely kidnapped and enslaved by the Guild for the express purpose of consolidating wealth and power around the world. 

But from within the organization there is a revolt brewing; Marcus Akida, a captured Seer with extraordinarily powerful visionary capabilities, quietly plots his daring escape with the help of a beautiful and tormented Seer named Alessandra. Soon joined by two other desperate Seers, also intent on fleeing, the escaped Seers travel to the same remote commune in Iowa where Liam and Lilith are living. When they are drawn to such a place, Marcus and the others each find a place where they can slowly begin to rebuild their lives and rediscover their passion for life and love.

As the Guild's efforts to locate them intensify, the Seers ban together with the misfits of the commune to fight back against the organization that threatens their lives. As they battle to save themselves, the actions of the Seers will set off a chain of events which unleashes their full power and will ultimately change everything we know or understand about the true potential that lies dormant within each of us.

This was quite the beginning to a fascinating trilogy. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed the story; it was intensely dramatic and full of action. I'm completely engrossed in the Seers plight, and can't wait to find out what will happen next. I give Order of the Seers by Cerece Rennie Murphy an A! On to Book 2 of The Order of the Seers Trilogy: The Red Order!

A! - (90-95%)
May you read well and often


Cerece Rennie Murphy said...

Hi Emeraldfire! Thanks for reading my work. So glad you enjoyed the first book!

Kathleen Higgins-Anderson said...

Thank you for hosting the virtual book tour event. - Kathleen Anderson, PUYB Tour Coord.

Emeraldfire said...

Thank you so much for stopping by - I look forward to seeing how the rest of the trilogy works out! :)

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