Saturday, January 11, 2014

Michael Mullin - TaleSpins

3. TaleSpins by Michael Mullin (2013)
Length: 47 pages
Genre: Short Story
Started: 8 January 2014
Finished: 11 January 2014
Where did it come from? Many thanks to Kathy at I am a Reader, Not a Writer for sending me a copy of this book to read.
How long has it been on my TBR pile? Since 3 December 2013
Why do I have it? I like fantasy and Michael Mullin is a new author for me. I definitely want to read more short stories, and do like fairy tale retellings as well.

This book is actually a trilogy of fairy tales, retold from a different perspective. The first fairy tale is called 8: The Previously Untold Story of the Previously Unknown 8th Dwarf. You may think you know the tale of Snow White backwards and forwards, but Creepy - the eighth dwarf who lives in the cellar - is going to set you straight.

The second fairy tale is called The Plight and Plot of Princess Penny - where a teenage princess named Penny hires the same witch who cursed 'The Frog Prince'. Penny wants to exact revenge against a Mean Girl who's been harassing her.

The third fairy tale is Jack'd. So, how did the giant, the boy thief and those magic beans actually cross paths? Learn how that entire tale truly went down.

I must say that while most of the books I read generally have adult story lines, I also like reading young adult books on occasion. It doesn't matter to me, just as long as the story is interesting reading. Anyway, this book is a trilogy of fairy tale re-tellings - which is a type of fantasy that I really enjoy reading. I also thoroughly enjoy reading stories that happen to have a moral behind them. So, I give TaleSpins by Michael Mullin an A+! and will certainly keep my eyes open for more from this author in the future.

A+! - (96-100%)

May you read well and often


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