Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mimi Jean Pamfiloff - Accidentally in Love With A...God?

1. Accidentally in Love With...A God? by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff (2012)
The Accidentally Yours Series Book 1
Length: 404 pages
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Started: 18 December 2013
Finished: 5 January 2014
Where did it come from? Many thanks to Marissa at Grand Central Publishing for sending me a copy of this book to read. Then I bought a copy for myself from Barnes and Noble.
How long has it been on my TBR pile? Since 28 October 2013 as an ebook; Since 1 January 2014 as a physical book.
Why do I have it? I like paranormal romance and Mimi Jean Pamfiloff is a new author for me.

Twenty-two-year-old Emma Keane is just your average city girl trying to get a date. She's a petite and bubbly redhead who's always up for having a little fun. There's just one tiny snag holding her back from finding the perfect guy. And that would be...well...'Guy': the disembodied male voice speaking to her in her mind.

Sound kind of crazy? Probably. But crazy turns downright deadly when the voice persuades Emma to travel deep into the Mayan jungle. There she will be able to free him from the prison where he has been trapped for the past seven decades.

Humans are so vulnerable, so undisciplined, so susceptible to their emotions - particularly love. He must have spent too much time among human-kind before his imprisonment, because it certainly seems that many of their vulnerabilities have begun to alter his personality. That must be the only reason why from the first moment this ancient being connects with Emma, the feelings she sparks drive him utterly mad. Never before has he felt such a protective, keep-her-close, never-let-her-go kind of madness for one particular woman.

Actually, that might not be such a bad idea, because from the moment the beautiful, passionate Emma unshackles his body, they are hunted at every turn. Now he'll have to do everything in his considerable power to keep her safe. But will that be enough? Honestly, if he wasn't already immortal, Emma Keane would quite literally be the death of him!

This is the first book by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff that I've ever read. I usually enjoy reading paranormal romances - especially stories that draw from cultural myths. In my opinion, this was a thoroughly engaging story - filled with a number of likable characters - along with several characters who I felt quite comfortable hating from their introduction, as well. The plot was thrilling and action-packed, and held my attention until the very end.

I give Accidentally in Love With...A God? an A+! and look forward to reading the next book in the series sometime very soon. I'm actually quite curious to see how this story will continue; and how each subsequent book will incorporate the world that Ms. Pamfiloff has created with this series.

A+! - (96-100%)           

May you read well and often


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